Workshop on 15th December 10h00 – 13h00

Instituto de Economia da UNICAMP – Auditório Jorge Tápia

Special guest:Nichoals Vonortas, Center for International Science and Technology and Policy Department of Economics, George Washington University, USA; São Paulo Excellence Chair, University of Campinas (UNICAMP), Brazil; Senior Research Fellow, National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE), Russian Federation


The analytical premise is that such networks have a long-lasting impact by changing the behavior of participating organizations.  The workshop will involve theoretical analysis on social network methodology, application to real public program data, and policy justification.

By doing so the event follows the important recent advancements in understanding the process of technological advancement and innovation, and their role in the socio-economic environments of modern societies. 

Welcoming 9h45
Papers presentation 10h00 – 13h00

  • Clement BERT-ERBOUL, André ALVES: Exploring the invisible nexus of intellectual eminence and academic/knowledge-intensive entrepreneurship.
  • Elias Youssef Haddad NETTO: Stylized Facts in a Complex Environment: An Empirical Analysis of Competitivity, Growth and Productivity in Brazilian Manufacturing.
  • Fábio MASAGO, Carolina BUENO: Technology Analysis for Biodiesel and Biofuel Patents Networks
  • Taís Cristina de MENEZES: Cattle movement in Mato Grosso do Sul State (Brazil) and economic implications in a context of FMD outbreaks.

Discussion animated by Nicholas Vonortas and José Maria da Silveira (IE - UNICAMP)

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